علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی::
آیین نامه رفتاری
1 See case studies by this author in Tambini, Leonardi and Marsden (2008), at Ch. 8 'Self- regulation of the electronic games industry' pp. 190-209, and Ch. 10 'Mobile telephony- delivered Internet services and codes of conduct to protect minors from adult content' pp. 216-268.
With the growth of the Internet market accessed by mobile devices, the UK mobile network operators (MNOs) announced a code of conduct in February 2004.
The legal basis remains the E-Commerce Directive (ECD), and there are several national codes of conduct.
However, the Mobile Entertainment Forum (MEF), a transatlantic grouping of over seventy content providers, issued its own mobile code of conduct, deal- ing with premium content.
Its role was apparently to formulate a code of conduct, to be implemented individually.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران